Investing in YOU

I was recently listening to a Joe Rogan Podcast where he talks about the mass of people today that are most likely miserable in their daily 9-5 and feel defeated about what their future looks like.

I see it amongst people I know, and think it applies to a large amount of the work force out there, but the point he makes is that in this day and age it’s possible to make a move and pursue what you really want to be doing.

The one thing that makes that statement true is because we have the internet.

The internet literally makes it possible for anyone to start a business online, or find the audience that connects to exactly what your passion is.

It is the single biggest transformation of the way human kind interacts withe each other, both socially and in terms of business.

I look at my career since I graduated college in 2006, and every organization I have been a part would not have existed without the internet.

Every cent of revenue was generated online via advertising, or via a SaaS based model where users paid a monthly fee.

I’ll reference Gary Vaynerchuck who has built a massive following online not because he is a successful owner of an agency, but more so because he has been preaching in a daily vlog and at events around motivation, and taking advantage of todays opportunities.

In many of his videos, his message to his audience has been more less “hey it’s great that you guys follow me but I wish you would stop listening to me and actually start doing something”

It’s a pointed message, because I myself have struggled with taking thought to action, and actually taking a leap into the unknown to try to actually build something for myself.

It’s the step all “wantrepreneurs” must take if we want to graduate to something real, otherwise we find ourselves in a circle of excuses and ideas that go nowhere.

The opportunities are endless.  Stop thinking so much and start doing.

Here is a generalized Joe Rogan audio clip, but check out his podcast and others that you may connect with.

Click here to listen